Hello everybody I am sharing my task for holiday blogging. For this blog I had to create a Kahoot on the kereru count. (Sorry you guys couldn't access my kahoot) Here s a photo of my kahoot.

Hello everybody I am sharing my task for holiday blogging. For this blog I had to create a Kahoot on the kereru count. (Sorry you guys couldn't access my kahoot) Here s a photo of my kahoot.
Hello for today's task I had to create a DLO on how to be internet safe. ENJOY!!!! *Please follow the instructions given in the survey*
Hello today I will be writing about our votes and elected candidate. The other day we were learning how to vote for candidates and Party's.
According to Room 7 The Labour party has been voted to represent the local area. Candidate Michael Phillip Wood was elected by Room 7 to be the representative of our area