
Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Happy Tongan Language Week!!


Hello & Happy Tongan language week ,

Today I will be sharing my amazing Tongan work with you. I found this pretty easy only because I am already a proud Tongan. I Have written down the meanings to each of the following words, maybe you could use this sometime in your life when you come across fluent Tongans.

Friday, 13 August 2021

Chapter book: Sonny Bill Williams


Today I will be sharing my work with you guys, We have been learning about studying the character and summarising the text. Next I want to study about book called "GOLD" which relates to Olympics and athletes. What I found interesting was the text on how he went from a rugby league/Union player to a champion boxer that is right now undefeated and has won the heavyweight championship for NZ.

Friday, 6 August 2021

My Learning: Spanish

Hello Bloggers,

Today I will be sharing my learning in class with you. 

Here are some of my phrases and meanings to the Spanish words that I have been learning today.

El es un Hombre

He is a Man

El come manzanas

He eats apples

Ella es un nina
She is a girl

El = he 

Es = is 

Un = a 

Hombre = Man

Ella = She

Una = a

Nina = girl 

Come = eats

Manzanas = apples

Tu = you 

Eres = are

Nino = boy

Monday, 17 May 2021

Recount of Our Rocket Launch

 For our Rocket Launch, The Rocket Blew off but didn't go high It just spun around and the highest was approximately 4 metres because of the weather. 

The rocket worked and flew off the launcher and there were no issues with the equipment. The things that need to improve are our wings and making it work, the rockets didn’t fly up, they just went spinning around.I also think the wings played a role in how the rocket moved through  the air. I think I could improve this by changing the wings and making sure they are more solid and aligned correctly.My next steps are to work on my wing designs to make it more stable and I want to also add a lid because this will hopefully help with the Aerodynamics. I will probably use YouTube to do a bit of research on what makes a good rocket wing.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Writing : Simple, Compound and Complex sentences

 Hello bloggers,

Today I was learning how to write a simple, compound and complex sentences. I found the writing very hard because at the start I didn't even know what compound and complex sentences. I also found it useful in our writing , e-astlle tests. Here, have a look at my work down here ! 

Monday, 15 March 2021

Language Features Toolkit

Hey Bloggers,

Today I will be sharing my learning through out these past few weeks. Today I was learning to use our language features. I found this task to be challenging on the last language feature, but I found it very interesting and easy. My next steps is to find more